"I Will Always Love You" Bilingual

I Will Always Love You is available in bilingual, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
I Will Always Love You takes you on an emotional journey spanning 30 years. You fall in love as you breathe in your baby’s sweet scent. You experience the highs and lows of parenthood. At the end, life goes full circle when your child breathes in their baby’s sweet scent for the first time.
The books are available in paperback on Amazon. Click on a title link below and you'll be redirected to the local Amazon listing.
- I Will Always Love You: English-Spanish edition (Siempre te amaré: Edición inglés-español)
- Siempre te amaré: Edición español-inglés (I Will Always Love You: Spanish-English edition)
- Siempre te amaré: Edición en español (I Will Always Love You: Spanish edition)
- I Will Always Love You: English-French edition (Je t’aimerai toujours: Édition anglais-français)
- Je t’aimerai toujours: Édition français-anglais (I Will Always Love You: French-English edition)
- Je t’aimerai toujours: Édition français (I Will Always Love You: French edition)
- I Will Always Love You: English-Italian edition (Ti vorrò sempre bene: Edizione inglese-italiano)
- Ti vorrò sempre bene: Edizione italiano-inglese (I Will Always Love You: Italian-English edition)
- Ti vorrò sempre bene: Edizione in italiano (I Will Always Love You: Italian edition)
- I Will Always Love You: English-German edition (Ich werde dich immer lieben: Englisch-deutsche Ausgabe)
- Ich werde dich immer lieben: Deutsch-englische Ausgabe (I Will Always Love You: German-English edition)
- Ich werde dich immer lieben: Deutsche Ausgabe (I Will Always Love You: German edition)