"Never Give Up On Your Dreams" Bilingual

Never Give Up On Your Dreams is available in bilingual, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
Empower your child with grit, resilience, and perseverance in this beautiful and inspiring picture book. Show them they have the strength and courage within to achieve all their dreams.
The books are available in paperback on Amazon. Click on a title link below and you'll be redirected to the local Amazon listing.
- Never Give Up On Your Dreams: English-Spanish edition (Nunca dejes de soñar: Edición inglés-español)
- Nunca dejes de soñar: Edición español-inglés (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: Spanish-English edition)
- Nunca dejes de soñar: Edición en español (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: Spanish edition)
- Never Give Up On Your Dreams: English-French edition (Ne renonce jamais à tes rêves: Édition anglais-français)
- Ne renonce jamais à tes rêves: Édition français-anglais (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: French-English edition)
- Ne renonce jamais à tes rêves: Édition français (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: French edition)
- Never Give Up On Your Dreams: English-Italian edition (Non rinunciare mai ai tuoi sogni: Edizione inglese-italiano)
- Non rinunciare mai ai tuoi sogni: Edizione italiano-inglese (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: Italian-English edition)
- Non rinunciare mai ai tuoi sogni: Edizione in italiano (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: Italian edition)
- Never Give Up On Your Dreams: English-German edition (Gib deine Träume nie auf: Englisch-deutsche Ausgabe)
- Gib deine Träume nie auf: Deutsch-englische Ausgabe (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: German-English edition)
- Gib deine Träume nie auf: Deutsche Ausgabe (Never Give Up On Your Dreams: German edition)